[Infographic]- 23 Essentials Of An In-App Referral Program

Taru BhargavaApp Marketing, Mobile Apps, Referral Marketing6 Comments

[Infographic]- 23 Must Have Elements Of An In-App Referral Program

We’ve often hinted at the benefits of referral marketing and how it has been an essential growth element for mobile-focused brands such as UBER and Airbnb. In-app referral marketing is a simple, easy to execute strategy that can thrust organic growth for mobile apps at any stage.

The success of above-mentioned giants has instilled a sense of excitement amongst app marketers leading to regular experimentations in this space. Unfortunately, app marketers tend to pick up an In-app referral product in haste, without testing it enough. In an obvious aftermath, they do not get the desired app growth.

Picking up the right tool for an app referral program should be a well thought out process. Having helped over 150 mobile apps with In-app referrals, we’ve decided to unearth our learnings and share the essential elements of a complete app referral program with you all via an infographic!

Without much ado, let’s roll!



 Over To You!

Having a full-proof In-app referral program can bring in much anticipated growth for your app. However it is critical that it embodies the right features to add more value to your campaign.

AppVirality’s In-app referral program offers its users all the features mentioned above. Even the product offers a plug-and-play approach, we handhold the clients through their campaign journey, offering assistance as and when it may be required.

Whether you are an Indie app developer, a seasoned app developer or an enterprise customer, we have a solution, that is just right for you.



About the Author

Taru Bhargava


Taru is the Content Ninja at AppVirality Inc. She has a keen interest in mobile and digital marketing stories and dissects them - word by word. She loves good food, tea and slapstick humor.